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Corey calls in to congratulate four volunteers at the heart of Welsh rugby

Corey calls in to congratulate four volunteers at the heart of Welsh rugby

12.09.24 - Llantwit Fardre RFC Presentation - Picture shows Liam Malkin, Gareth Cooksey and Owen Pearce being presented with certificates at their local rugby Club after saving the life of a singer who collapsed using CPR

Welsh International, Corey Domachowski, made a special surprise visit to Llantwit Fardre RFC last night to present certificates of special recognition to four members at the club who recently saved a life.

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On Saturday 10th August, after a men’s pre-season friendly v Narberth, Llantwit Fardre had a singer booked for after match entertainment. While both sets of players and supporters were present, the singer on stage collapsed from what is now known to be a very serious heart attack.

Three of the rugby club’s members, Owen Pearce, Mark Edmunds and Liam Malkin with the assistance of Gareth Cooksey – a guest on the evening who’s involved with Pentyrch RFC – proceeded to give lifesaving CPR to singer Jeff Jones on the stage. Vitally they had access to a club defibrillator, previously supplied through the WRU defib scheme and Calon Hearts Charity – which saw lifesaving defibs installed in all rugby clubs across Wales in 2021.

Mr Jones – a singer from Nelson – who was taken unwell as he was preparing to sing – has made a full recovery, and it is clear that the efforts of the four volunteers on the evening saved his life.

Geraint John, WRU Community Director said: “Volunteers are the lifeblood of our community game and this evening we’ve been able to recognise four exceptional individuals who went above and beyond by using the defibrillator provided by the WRU to save a life. We’ve been fortunate to work with Gilbert balls to recognise these individuals with a specially created ball for each of them.”

12.09.24 – Llantwit Fadre RFC Presentation – From left to right, Liam Malkin, Gareth Cooksey and Owen Pearce.

Sharon Owen of Calon Hearts added: “We have worked with the WRU since 2012 with the aim of  providing defibrillators and training at every community club and this is yet another example of the collaboration saving lives. The training we provide in partnership with the WRU is critical – and the actions of the volunteers were perfectly executed.”

Corey Domachowski said:” We all know that we have special people involved in our rugby clubs and this is a fantastic example of people pulling together to achieve something really special.

“It’s been a pleasure coming here to acknowledge the actions of four very special members of the Welsh rugby family.”

Owen Pearce of Llantwit Fardre RFC said: “It wasn’t a situation anyone would like to find themselves in – but the four of us acted instinctively as soon as we realised that Mr Jones was suffering a heart attack. Luckily there was a defibrillator in the club – and the fact that the training was still fresh in our minds – ultimately worked out well in the end. Jeff has subsequently been back in touch with us to say thank you and has promised to join us for a beer at the club before the end of the month. He’s buying the first round!”


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