He has done an outstanding job over the past five seasons that has enabled the club to build a squad, keeping Swansea above the relegation argument despite a testing start.
“I have enjoyed the position immensely, but I feel it’s a good time to hand the reigns over and to pursue other projects,” said Lancaster.
“I am proud of what we have achieved at Swansea and grateful for all the support I have received. It has been a great experience and I’d like to think we are all handing over the team in decent shape. When we started we all bought into a five year plan that would show sustainable and gradual improvements.
“The work the Board and the benefactors have done often goes unnoticed but to have installed a gym at St Helens, refurbished the floodlights, changing rooms and physio facilities along with redecorating the entire clubhouse and still managing to find funds to make sure the boys have the best of everything, that is the stuff that not many people notice but without it, the team wouldn’t have developed in the way it has. ”
Chairmen Stephen Hughes said, “Richard has done a phenomenal job, coaching is a testing profession and there has been a lot of stress for Richard over the last couple of years, with the club competing against clubs with more resources, established squads and the threat of four teams being relegated this season.”
“The work that Richard has done behind the scenes to build relationship with the Ospreys and a range of local community clubs has enabled us to progress year on year.”
“The season isn’t over yet though, with five games remaining we want to continue with our good form and as a group we are aiming for the club’s highest league finish in a number of years, it would be great to see supporters old and new down at St Helens for our remaining games,” added Lancaster.