Rugby Enterprise

Our Story
Participation in physical activity and sport in today’s modern society has to be dynamic and aligned to modern lifestyles. Rugby Enterprise will grow, enhance and future proof rugby union in Wales through alternative and commercial formats, engaging a wide range of participants of all ages by offering them a CHOICE.
Alternative Game – To sustain and increase participation in rugby through alternative / new formats of the game which will bring positive rugby experiences to a variety of audiences.
Commercial Rugby – To increase participation in the commercial rugby market, providing the consumer with a positive Welsh Rugby experience.
Partners and Projects – To increase participation opportunities by working with partners to deliver a diverse and inclusive rugby menu across all communities in Wales.
What will success look like?
- A robust, modern selection of alternative and commercial participation opportunities
- An insight-led communication and marketing strategy that supports and promotes rugby enterprise
- An infrastructure and workforce that establishes alternative rugby in Wales
- Rugby is the ‘go-to’ community engagement vehicle for partners
- A network of strategic and delivery partners that support rugby
How will we achieve our ambition?
People Development
- Create, implement and develop a sustainable alternative rugby programme with inclusivity at its heart – “a jersey for all”
- Identify and support the next generation of rugby development and sports industry professionals
Commercial Rugby
- Create, implement and develop a sustainable commercial rugby programme
- Identify and embed rugby enterprise within the fabric of the rugby community
Partners and Projects
- Collaboration with partners at both strategic and operational level
- Establish and implement a communication and commercial strategy to support rugby enterprise
- Local delivery flexibility via a suite of offers, with resource and support
- 30,000 rugby opportunities throughout a calendar year, across 200 plus rugby festivals