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Wru Buy Out Warriors

Wru Buy Out Warriors

At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the WRU on 17 May it was resolved to purchase the 50 % share holding in the Celtic Warriors held by Bridgend RFC.

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The terms of the purchase are the subject of a confidentiality agreement. As an existing owner of a 50% share holding in the Warriors, the WRU have now moved to 100 % ownership.

We understand that Leighton Samuel will be making a separate announcement on the issue, however, the WRU wishes to place on record their appreciation for his efforts and support of regional rugby.

The Board, which in the past has taken a firm view that Welsh rugby can only support four sustainable regions, has asked the Group Chief Executive, David Moffett, to conduct an immediate review of the Warriors and report back on or before 27 May.

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