Under new Terms & Conditions of sale for all tickets to WRU events, a series of penalties are to be applied to those people discovered selling on tickets bought at face value. WRU Group Chief Executive David Moffett said: “We have a constitution which rewards the loyal fans and supporters of Welsh rugby when it comes to the sale of tickets for Wales’s international matches.
“It is imperative that those tickets remain within the hands of the intended recipients of the tickets – and that they are purchased at face value. That is what we are aiming to achieve.”
All WRU clubs, Affiliated and Associate Bodies, Debenture and Club Seat Holders and members of the public who are able to buy tickets to an Autumn Series or Six Nations international this season will be issued with the new regulations. It means that all tickets will be issued under the following conditions:
i. they will not be used as a prize in any lottery or competition or for any other promotional purpose unless expressly authorised in writing;
ii. will not be re-sold for more than the face value. If a ticket is obtained in breach of this condition it will be void and all rights conferred or evidenced by it will be nullified (ie the holder will not be admitted);
iii. no replacement or duplicate ticket will be issued in the event of the original ticket being lost or misplaced;
iv. admission cannot be guaranteed if the ticket holder arrives at the Stadium less than 30 minutes before kick-off time. If admission is refused under this condition, no form of refund will be available;
v. no ticket holder shall be entitled to re-admission on leaving the Stadium.
With regard to tickets being put up for sale on E-bay and other auction sites and ticket websites, the WRU and Millennium Stadium intend to punish anyone who makes their tickets available for such use.
In line with the Terms & Conditions of sale, the unauthorised use of websites is strictly prohibited. This is to include tickets for every event at the Millennium Stadium and those events for external venues where the supply of tickets has been via MSWRU.
The sale or purchase of tickets through unofficial sources, such as the black market is again strictly prohibited. This is to include tickets for every event at the Millennium Stadium and those events for external venues where the supply of tickets has been via MS/WRU.
If an employee or officer of the WRU Group is found to be in breach of the company ticketing policy they will have their allocation revoked and be subject to any appropriate further action.
In relation to Member Clubs, debenture holders and affiliated organisations in breach of the policy, there will be a reduction/revocation of their ticket allocation.
The Union is also looking to create a WRU Disabled Supporters Club. There will be certain disabled criteria which will need to be evidenced to support membership.
The membership will be determined by the maximum number of disabled spaces available at WRU Internationals. Applications for membership that exceed the allocation will be held on a waiting list.
Members will be invited to apply for tickets in the same format and timescale as club and debenture seat holders. Once members have been serviced, the waiting list will be offered the option to purchase a ticket.
This policy is to be fully in line with the Disability Discrimination Act of 2004. Ticket applications for the Autumn Series Internationals have now been received.
Tickets will be issued to clubs six weeks prior to matches being played and all payments by clubs will be taken on the eve of fixtures. Any extra allocation of tickets to clubs must be paid for on application. For those clubs who are Black Listed, full payment must be cleared two weeks before the event for tickets to be released.