
Volunteer Training
WRU First Aid in Rugby – A 3 hour basic course, supported by St John Ambulance Cymru and tailored towards community rugby volunteers. This session focuses on concussion advice, Emergency Action Plans, injuries commonly seen on the pitch and CPR. This course is free of charge, delivered at the clubhouse and is suitable for all volunteers over 16 years of age. Please note a valid WRU DBS is required for all those administering first aid to U18’s.
Click here to request attendance
Strapping & Medical Awareness – This 2 hour course is run by a Regional physiotherapist inhouse at your club and covers serious injury, emergency action planning, basic concussion advice as well as opportunity to learn and practice strapping common injuries (in partnership with Physique). This FREE course is suitable for all First aiders working in u12’s rugby or above.
Click here to request attendance
Don’t Tackle it Alone (Safeguarding Training) – A 2.5 hour course delivered by Level 3 Accredited Safeguarding Instructors. This course is an introduction to safeguarding in Rugby, including how to protect the children and adults you are working with, as well as protecting yourself in compromising situations. The course is free of charge, suitable for all rugby volunteers and is part of their continuous professional development.